so we are halfway through the alphabet and by now i'm sure you are well aware that i am an oddball. also a very good "O" word.
i've opened myself up a little bit with each post and for the most part i feel like it has been very positive. i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this blog and responding here and on my facebook page in a way that has been most encouraging.
so where do we go from here?...onward.
i dropped out of therapy about a month or so ago (i'm really bad with time) idk i was having my medication changed yet again and i kind of flipped out for a while and really just wanted to be left alone. being able to put my thoughts down has been better than therapy though. being able to hear responses, good or bad, has been more helpful than getting the same old "blah blah blah, you have to attend group and do the dialectical behavior therapy blah blah blah..." from Dr.B
i know that i am now beyond the point of going to my regular therapy with Dr. N and so starting next week i will be returning to out-patient and trying my hardest to quiet the static inside my brain.
i think this is a step in the right direction since i feel strong in the fact that i have the loving support of my family, my partner, and my friends. i will apologize in advance for any future rantings as group makes me nutty! o_@ there is a lot of focus on time and learning to accept time, keeping to a schedule, and completing exercises in a timely matter. all shit that makes my brain rrrawrr! lol but i've been doing well with keeping a job and good attendance so i guess i'm up for the challenge.
wish me luck!
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