today was a long day. i had my second day of summer classes and group therapy again today. it's weird having to shift my schedule around for school because i am a creature of strict routine. when something changes, it makes me panic and feel oddly out of sorts for the entire day.
i had another really good therapy session today. :) learning, growing, strengthening!
so, people with borderline personality disorder kind of have a hard time with relationships. not just like the dating kind, but all of them, dating, friendships, interaction with co-workers etc... we addressed that today by working on what it is we fear the most about relationships.
my biggest fear is not "connecting" with people. some people are just natural conversationalists. and i am SO envious of that. i am fully aware that i am crap when it comes to the art of small talk and knowing that puts me in to such a stressful state.
today i came to the realization that because i don't do the whole small talk thing well, i hardly know anything about the people i call friends at all. how embarrassing! :/ i also tend to seem like i "forget" or "ignore" people when really i just don't know what to say or when they haven't said anything to me, because of low self-esteem i was always afraid to just go and say "hi" because what if they don't really want to talk to me...or what if they don't respond, did they not see it or am i being rejected?...and so on and so forth in my head until it gets bigger and bigger and avoidance becomes the only answer. so i take the easy way out and speak when people speak to me or comment on something someone has already said or only say something directly to someone when i feel like i have something worthy of speaking about. it is not in my nature to initiate conversation.
i have also been told that in conversation i have a tendency to focus on myself. i have learned by meeting people in group that this is something that is pretty common among people with BPD. we just talk about what we know, which is us, because of our disorder we end up spending a great deal of time alone so that is what we have.
so, i want to get to know you. i know hardly anyone reads this blog so if i even get one response i will mark that down as an accomplishment :) you can answer here or on my fb page.
1. who are you? Brandon
2. where you named after anyone? i have my great-grandfather's middle name.
3. do you have kids? how many? no, and some day you'll thank me for that. you're welcome!
4. what is the first thing you notice about people? idk why but i have a tendency to look at people's mouths o_O
5. what is your favorite food? i love Indian food!
6. salty or sweet? i like the combination of both but if i had to pick one or the other i like salty.
7. do you speak any other languages? icelandic and spanish fluently and a few others a little bit.
8. do you have a special talent? (making things counts as well) i am a classically trained musician. i have also discovered i have a talent for soap making :)
9. do you have any pets? 3 dogs and a bunch of koi fish that live in my pond do those count as pets? we named them.
10. do you have any phobias? ummm...people lol. and wet bread. yeah i'm in therapy tyvm!
11. name one weird thing about you? (can be something you like to do, something you like to eat, etc...) i won't eat things that are white. i write the date that i bought something on all food products that come in to the house, and i have a piecing that you don't know about :P
12. do you have a favorite song? it changes daily. right now it's "black sheep" by metric. tomorrow it will be something else and on a completely different side of the musical spectrum.
13. do you have a nickname? BB. my sister has called me that ever since i was a baby.
14. do you have any special abilities or disabilities? uh...besides BPD, i can move things with my mind. ok not really but wouldn't it be sweet if i could?!?
15. are you married? divorced? single? don't go there? married ;)
16. what do you do for a living? i am the online content coordinator for a local radio station.
17. if they named a ben and jerry's ice cream after you, what would it be called? what would it have in it? it would be called "chocolate salty balls" >_< and it would have chocolate covered pretzel balls in it. there would also be a white chocolate version. lol!
18. what is your least favorite food? eggs!! omg it's a chicken's period!!! blech!
19. how tall are you? ok funny but true story. i always used to think i was 5'9" but i'm actually only 5'7" 1/2 :O holy farking unaccounted for 2 inches batman! i was at my 6 month check up and my doctor says "Brandon, you are not 5'9"" and i'm like wth?!?! he is 5'10" and i'm noticeably shorter than he is so we measured me :P ah well i make up for it in other places ;)
20. do you drink or smoke? i drink on occasion but not much these days. i am now 2 months smoke free :)