April 29, 2011
April 28, 2011
U is for "Underrated"
April 27, 2011
T is for the ugly "Truth"

April 26, 2011
S is for let's talk about "Sex"

April 25, 2011
R is for Religion...

religion has always been a tough subject for me to talk about.
April 20, 2011
Q is For "Quirks"

1. when taking bread from a loaf i will not take the first 2-3 pieces. i don't know why, but they are poison.

he has also helped me to bringdown my fear of germs a notch. according to his logic, exposing ourselves to germs helps our bodies build up natural antibodies. sounds like he's selling snake oil to me but since he is a pharmD that does medical research i guess i'll buy it. i told him if i die of some weird ass disease i want "thanks a lot asshole!!!!" <--with the appropriate amount of exclamation points etched in to my tombstone!
April 19, 2011
today is random silliness day! :D

“My roommate thinks I took her dry erase board when I was 40 miles away the week it was taken,” says an anonymous college student in Tampa, Florida. “She has been leaving me notes like this ALL YEAR.” God help our poor submitter, but I’m nominating this crazy rainbow of a note for the passive-aggressive hall of fame. (Prize: a year’s worth of anger-management therapy?)
some of the following comments are even funnier than the original post!
seriously, i nearly PMSL when i read this one entitled "Rocket Pubes" ...no wait, it gets funnier!
i swear i'm not the "Brandon" who wrote this note, but i have to admit, it does sound suspiciously like some shit i would say LMAO!
April 17, 2011
P is for "Pets"
i got my first dog of my very own, a now 6 year old black pug named Modi, last year in may right before i graduated college. my mom and i had gotten to know a lady at our favorite coffee shop who sadly was losing her battle with cancer and needed to find a good loving home for her dog.
we had just recently lost our family dog to old age and it was pretty hard on us all but my mom especially was pretty devastated. she has always had a fondness for Neapolitan Mastiffs and with some luck we were able to find her another. while she was waiting for her puppy to arrive, i guess she was still feeling a little bit of the loss and so she decided that she would adopt Modi as well.
O is for "Onward"

so we are halfway through the alphabet and by now i'm sure you are well aware that i am an oddball. also a very good "O" word.
i've opened myself up a little bit with each post and for the most part i feel like it has been very positive. i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this blog and responding here and on my facebook page in a way that has been most encouraging.
so where do we go from here?...onward.
i dropped out of therapy about a month or so ago (i'm really bad with time) idk i was having my medication changed yet again and i kind of flipped out for a while and really just wanted to be left alone. being able to put my thoughts down has been better than therapy though. being able to hear responses, good or bad, has been more helpful than getting the same old "blah blah blah, you have to attend group and do the dialectical behavior therapy blah blah blah..." from Dr.B
i know that i am now beyond the point of going to my regular therapy with Dr. N and so starting next week i will be returning to out-patient and trying my hardest to quiet the static inside my brain.
i think this is a step in the right direction since i feel strong in the fact that i have the loving support of my family, my partner, and my friends. i will apologize in advance for any future rantings as group makes me nutty! o_@ there is a lot of focus on time and learning to accept time, keeping to a schedule, and completing exercises in a timely matter. all shit that makes my brain rrrawrr! lol but i've been doing well with keeping a job and good attendance so i guess i'm up for the challenge.
wish me luck!
N is for "NatalieDee"

April 16, 2011
M is for "Macaroni and Merlot"

lol, they can't all be gems. :P
2 cups thin white sauce (see below)
2 tsp. grated onion
1/2 pound grated cheese
fine buttered bread crumbs
Sprinkle with buttered crumbs and paprika. Bake uncovered in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.
1 tbsp. flour
1 cup whole milk (we like ours a little sweet so we substitute with 14 oz can of condensed milk and 1/4 cup of 2% milk)
1/4 tsp. salt
Add flour to butter and whisk well to blend. Gradually stir in milk, whisking constantly until smooth. Allow to cook over medium-low heat until sauce simmers and thickens to desired consistency. Add salt, to taste. If you prefer a richer sauce, use 2 tbsp. flour and 2 tbsp. butter.
Serves 4 or 5.
1 1/2 pounds pasta, preferably macaroni
"Cheese" Sauce:
1 1/2 cups unsweetened nondairy milk
1 1/2 cups nutritional yeast
1 cup canola or vegetable oil
1 cup water
1/3 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/4 (12 ounce) block firm (not silken) tofu
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon vegesal or in lack of fancy product, just use salt
1 dollop mustard, optional
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Boil water in a big pot and cook pasta according to package directions.
2. Add all of the "cheese" sauce ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Once pasta is cooked, drain and put it in the baking pan (about the size of a brownie pan). Pour the "cheese" sauce over the pasta.
3. Bake until the top of the pasta looks slightly browned and crispy, about 15 minutes.
This is very simple and tastes amazing! If you are cooking for yourself, it will last about 5 days if you eat it for all three meals of the day.
L is for "Letting you in" (a little at a time)

i admit, i am a difficult person to get to know. i have a hard time letting people in to my life because i don't feel like i relate a lot of times. i've always sworn that i am an alien placed on this earth as a scientific experiment or a colossal joke. i haven't decided which.
April 15, 2011
K is for "Keeping Austin Weird"
last but not least... Keep Austin Weird Festival and 5k Run think of this festival as the ultimate toast to Austin, a toast to hospitality, fun and a sense of community. the 5k run helps raise funds for the Austin Parks Foundation and there is plenty of fun shenanigans for anyone in attendance. |
under construction...

sorry i haven't posted lately.
April 11, 2011
J...it must be Jelly cause Jam don't shake like that! (women's body image in the media)

1. The average American woman is 5’4” tall and weighs 140 pounds. The average American model is 5’11” tall and weighs 117 pounds.
2. The average size of the “ideal” woman, as portrayed by models, has become progressively thinner over the years and has stabilized at around 20% below the average weight. This thin ideal is unachievable for most women. A 1995 study found that three minutes spent looking at models in a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty, and ashamed.
4. One out of every four college aged women has an eating disorder.
5. Almost half of all women smokers smoke because they see it as the best way to control their weight. Of these women, 25% will die of a disease caused by smoking.
6. At age thirteen, 53% of American girls are “unhappy with their bodies.” This grows to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen.
7. In a sample of male and female high school students, girls had higher body dissatisfaction scores than boys on all measures. Girls reported magazines as their primary source of information regarding diet and health. Boys reported their parents as their primary source of information. These are the typical messages girls can expect to get from women's magazines.
8. A majority of girls in a 1999 study (59 percent) reported dissatisfaction with their body shape, and 66 percent expressed a desire to lose weight. Only 29 percent of the girls were overweight.
9. At 5’9” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 which is considered severely underweight. Because of her ridiculous proportions (39” bust, 18” waist, 33” thighs and a size 3 shoes!), if she was a real woman, she wouldn’t be able to walk upright – she would have to walk on all fours. Note that the target market for Barbie Doll sales are girls ages 3 to 12.
10. Nearly 11.7 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States in 2007. Women had nearly 10.6 million cosmetic procedures, 91% percent of the total
even sadder still is that even our images of perfection are not so perfect:
Love Your Curves! i've always been a fan of women who were shaped like Marilyn Monroe. she was drop dead gorgeous and wore a size 16 jeans! who would have thought that a woman so beautiful and confident could be rockin' the double digits? it's all in how you feel about you :)
Real Women Have Curves
© By Anonymous
Real women have curves, wrinkles, and flaws.
Each one earned with experience, perseverance and determination.
There's no computer to airbrush your mistakes.
Let them make you who you are.
Love every mark, every scar,
every extra curve you wished to go away, Accept what you can't learn to love,
Then let go of what you can't accept.
Treasure them for their memories
Like a worn love letter or ratty old quilt from generations of old.
Each wrinkle comes with the wisdom only years of life can give.
And life is not to be hidden or covered up.
For life is how a girl grows into a woman
And real women have curves.
April 10, 2011
I is for "I sit on this wall and wait for you whoever you are, where ever you may be..."